Aggressive Puppy Training-Yes, it takes only 7 days!

Some basic guidelines

Rule number one is always, always be consistent. Irrespective of aggresive puppy training techniques you choose to use, stick to it, also, never. slam your puppy in the face or scream in rage. This will only serve to intimidate the puppy and could have the opposite effect. Dog behaviorists say that you should do puppies do when something evil them, yelp!Or say ouch to let the puppy know hurts. when the puppy lets go, it is important that you immediately to praise him and give plenty of love and warm fuzzies.

Redirect Puppies Attention

Another proven technique that takes only a few days to master is to give the puppy something to chew in addition to you! Chew toys is the best Redirect technique in the world.If your puppy is in an overly cheerful mood and tries to stifle and chew on you, give it a chew toy! remember, do not play a tug of war or of any hunting game at this point in the puppies training.The idea is to get the puppy Let go, no lock on and bit harder.(This is particularly important for the pit bull puppies-never ever train a pit to drag as you already know the lock art.)

Some people use a spray bottle filled with water in to startle puppy to letting go, while others use a Shaker can with trade interests or small gravel rocks in the puppy lets go when you need to praise the immediately. be consistent with any aggressive puppy training, you choose to take advantage of, and within just a matter of days you want to be on the road against a good puppy well-behaved. However, there is one word of caution is that you should be careful attention. If you are consistent in your aggressive puppy training and puppy does not seem to get the picture, it's time for a professional trainer.

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