Have you changed your Pet Food in the recent past?
You are in the habit of buying commercial feed for pets? Did you know that most of the pet food on the market are processed with second class ingredients, weightings, artificial flavorings, toxins and additives? What is the alternative? Many of us have been told to not feed our pets remnants from the table. Dr. Pitcairn, author, Dr. Pitcairn Complete Guide to natural health for dogs and cats, but has more than twenty-five years experience of feedingstuffs for pet animals simple home meals. Dr. Pitcairn and other holistic veterinarians are talking on the benefits of the implementation of domestic food for pets. If you want to provide a balanced food for domestic animals, feed, healthy foods and supplements.
Go to the food trade, buy a variety of fresh food. Choose high-quality lean and fat, such as organically grown beef and lamb meat organ, which are usually cheap, and, if in your local shop, you can go to the butcher's shop. Poultry turkeys and chickens are free range include nejzdravejší. The fish is high in omega-3 and omega-6, in particular for albacore tuna, herring, trout, sardines. Salmon, halibut and mackerel, rich in omega-3, are also good options. Tofu is a good source of protein and a good alternative to the raw meat. From eggs and milk (curd cheese, milk and yoghurt) play a role in the recipes. They are good for domestic animals, with the exception of Rhubarb and spinach, Swiss chard, which are too large amounts of oxalic acid, many different kinds of vegetables and mushrooms and onions, which are toxic to pets. Grains are cheap and common staples in our pantries, such as barley, brown rice, Couscous and oat hutsul. Grain legumes are cheap source of protein. If you intend to buy is dry, the distribution of pea and lentil down as quickly as possible.Black, great northern, kidney, pinto, Navy and soya beans must be soaked for at least three hours or overnight To comfort you. canned beans low salt.
Supplements and vitamins are an important part of the diet, you can save money. supplements in the shops of healthy nutrition, whereas the implementation of some of the supplements in bulk (nutritional or brewery is the yeast, lecithin granules, kelp powder and flour). Are the recommended vitamins, (d), (c) and (e).
Once you have the ingredients, which can be used for a variety of recipes you will be able to perform at the same time, several of the dishes. You can make a large quantity of Pulses. May be chilled or frozen ".Also keep a list of foods to hang in your kitchen. "When I read the list of foodstuffs which, pets, animal feed is not a natural Pet food Cookbook, I started a list of bad food and fluids for my pets. My current list is alcoholic beverages, artificial sweeteners, avocados, candy, chocolate, coffee, Macadamia nuts, fatty food, moldy and polluted food, mushrooms, onions, an onion powder, dried grapes, Rhubarb, salt, seeds, spinach, Swiss chard and yeast dough. Garlic on some lists bad food, but Dr. Pitcairn is recommended for digestion.
If you want to export, it is important to have a reliable source. Book Dr. Dr. Pitcairn Pitcairn, the complete Guide to natural health for dogs and cats.It was to me a valuable source of detailed information for each of the groups of foods, food supplements and vitamins is easy to make recipes.This is the most balanced recipes that I in books and online.If you have a pet with a problem or illness, the weight of the recipes you'll find that, as well as homemade formula that adds important nutrients (fresh vegetable oil, protein supplements and vitamins) meal dry feed for pets. Dr.Philippines came with healthy powder that can be added to each recipe in order to be exported (or 2 cups of the brewery is the yeast nutrition (nutrition is cheaper), 1 cup of lecithin granules, 4 tablespoons of SLUDGE bone meal (check the chart for other ratios of bone meal) and 1 000 IU vitamin c due).
Now we can give basic balanced meal together consisting of 50% of the grains, 25% of the protein (2 species) and 25% of vegetable fats are based on the amount of protein in the diet. here's a simple recipe:
2 cups of oatmeal (quick or old-fashioned)
Cup of the country of Turkey (raw or cooked)
Cup of the heart (raw or cooked)
1 cup of green beans
1 cup cottage cheese
1 tsp vegetable oil
2 tblsp nutritional yeast
multivitamin 1
Make sure the OAT. Brown Turkey and heart broken, as needed.Cooked green beans.Mix all ingredients cooked with the rest of the ingredients.Refrigerate the meat and the authorities of the other extras., you can create several meals or more at once, and refrigerate or freeze in part at a later time.
Whereas that pets need variety, as soon as you know how a balanced meals, you can use for more ideas, recipes, online and other cooking.You can also purchase a variety of organic, raw and freeze-dried foods that can improve your home and reduce the time to ensure that food preparation. are exported, you can consult a specialist or holistic doctor home.
In conclusion, If you give your home a healthy foods and supplements, you'll know that your pet is getting the proper nutrients. When you refer to recommended resources, as well as books by Dr. Pitcairn, you'll see that it is not difficult to export home food or supplement, dry petfood. Dr.Pitcairn and other holistic veterinarians have many clients whose pet health improved after they start eating balanced meals.
The works:
Philippines, Richard h., DVM, PHD, and Susan Hubble, Dr. Pitcairn Pitcairn's Complete Guide to natural health for dogs and cats, USA: Rodale Press, Inc., 2005. Printing.
Rees, Wendy NaN and Kevin Schlanger. Natural Pet Food Cookbook: Healthful recipes for dogs and cats. Hoboken, New Jersey, NJ: Wiley Pub., 2008.
Aimee Bisson home owner of two dogs and has an interest in the home nutrition. She is currently enrolled in the Master's Degree of business in the Western Carolina University administrators and more publishers are granted permission to reproduce the article for as long as this article in its entirety, the author of the information and all links intact. Copyright 2010 by Aimee Bisson.
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