Your dog-the Secrets of the Perfect recall
Why is by far the most common problem people have is that your dog does not come when called? They do not start out specific way. Picture a good reared puppies litter. What happens when the breeder moving walks in to spaces and start calling them? They all rush to greet her (this is usually a her), falling over themselves to be the first to get attention. Good breeders, if they know what you want to call your up themselves can have him drawer on the sound of his name at the time you call collect him. So why this promising start often peter?
I think the answer is the owner's position. In the litter a teacher up to the entrance to a human means food or play, usually both. So come up when called because he knows something pleasant will happen. But what about the up, which is left alone in the hours and out of sheer boredom chews furniture and probably emergency even over the carpet. The owner will react angrily on the rod and decides to discipline, up to his misbehaviour in the misguided belief that he housetraining wretched animal. He will point to what he sees as the guilty expression on the face. He is actually to see is the fear or anxiety. Pretty soon this up, you will learn that you are not a dash up to more people because if you do the drag you of something on the carpet you do not remember doing then kicked the dump you outside.
A few weeks later is the same up out in the Park. He is allowed to run free and find exciting new friends to play with. the owner is too busy to compare notes on the previous day on T.V. programs with his colleague dog-walkers. They reach the park gates and he calls up First up. returns, set back on his lead and they go home. Soon learns that the owner calls him in the Park means end of playtime. He runs off the next time with owner in pursuit. Up think this is a fantastic game. He is growing now, and his long legs give him plenty of speed, so he easily outruns owner. He can be caught by a passer-by first, but soon he will learn that people are not trusted.
O.K. the worst case, and there are not too many people around these days is stupid enough to teach their up to fear them, as in the example, I have just quoted. But how many people actually take time to learn their puppies how come when called. Of course, a dog will automatically if he loves you not he? Perhaps he is. But he can also decide not to bother if he gets a better offer. It is up to you, on behalf of the owner to teach him to come when called, something fun, but not optional.
With a young up it is very easy. You continue just where the breeder left off. Small puppies fed usually several times a day on the first. There are several training opportunities, which should not be wasted. As Mivse has learned his name, he will come running when there is food within reach. Inbetween he may be called for a game with her favorite toy, even possibly a small morcel of food, if he has ignored a particular distraction on the road. Usually I call my puppies with my other cats around from the start. Built in distraction education is just too good an opportunity to waste.
But he should be told if he chews or soils the carpet should he? My opinion is that he should not. En op should never be placed in a situation where he learns to do something will not later that you want him to do. I keep my puppies in a large pen with lots of toys, until their childhood diseases days are over. There can be up to do what he likes and is safe, when I can't give him my full attention. I spend as much time as possible with my up speaks to him, play with him and often reward him for it to come when called, or any other Act I might want him to perform later. He is praised for the positive things, and that the negatives are avoided. I would never leave a young up in a situation where he may be able to do something undesirable. So he learns from the start, coming to me when the call is something that will always be worthwhile.
The next step is to take up on its own, away from the House. I wait for him to start sniffing then silently ducks behind a tree. Pretty soon, the young people up to speculate on where I am and can start to panic. I can then appears, call him in a comfortable tone and reward him for the future. One or two repetitions of this is usually all it takes to train the young up that it is in his best interests to pay attention to what the pack leader does. This method is very successful in creating a reliable revocation for later, when up are more independent.
I urge my dogs, even adults, often when we are out. The lead goes sometimes at the end of the walk, sometimes for education, sometimes I call just for the sake of it. the key is to call the dog in a random way, not only when he will be back on the lead taken home. Sensation, with other dogs in a controlled environment is something else, which contributes to creating good recall habits. A good training Club is worth its weight in gold.
I have not mentioned, teaching remember lead. For all practical purposes it is not necessary if a socialised up is good, except for competition and training. But it is in an ideal world. Not all of the puppies are raised and socialised by frøavleren. You might have to work hard to overcome a less than promising start. Or you can obtain an older dog, which has not been trained properly. In these cases, you will need to make use of leads to teach a reliable revocation.
It is not good, letting your dog run free in public if he does not have a reliable revocation. It is not a fair start on other people that cause them your unruly dog. In such cases, I believe that a dog should be exercised in a long line or flexi-lead until he learns to return 10 times out of ten and time after that. He can't run away, if he is restrained, so that you can tell him, he is a bad dog and quietly wheel him. But the minute he starts in your direction, he should be rewarded for their efforts. Finally, if you are patient will release the penny. You are not unfair to your dog if you do not allow him his freedom unless he has earned it. it would be extremely unfriendly of you want to allow him the freedom to run and are killed in a car, or worse, cause death by another because of something you could have prevented.
If you have a good bond with your dog, you should not have too many problems with the withdrawal. Just remember that cultivating a friendly tone and make it worth your dog while the return to you. Always be fair and never tell him for something when he comes back, but it may be tempting. He will learn to come to you is the most fun, rewarding, he can do. You end up with a dog with a reliable revocation, there is a pleasure to own.