Side Effects of Spaying a dog

There are side effects of spaying a dog. For your dog health and longevity, here is what you should know in order to avoid immediate complications or problems later in life.

It has been popular changes both dogs and cats at a very young age, particularly when it adopts a young up through the pound or a preparedness. the objective is, of course, to ensure that the procedure will not be able to postpone, since there are more than five million homeless pets are euthanized each year.

Long term side effects of spaying a dog at a very young age has to do with the loss of hormones.
Hormones are used not only for reproduction. each function in the body are affected by these chemical messengers. With the exception of the growth and development necessary for the absorption of nutrients, energy metabolism, water and are electrolyte balance, and responses to stress and injury.

By waiting for a dog is 8-12 months old, delivers you can keep her safe limited during her first heat, she is less likely to have long term side effects such as female urinary incontinence.

Female dog incontinence is usually caused by estrogen deficiency brought on by spaying. this condition is treated by giving estrogen if side effects include tremors, rapid irritabilitet, pulse, cardiac arrhythmia and urine retention. This can be avoided by using the homeopathic estrogen, which has no side effects.

When a female dog spayed, she can be more likely to have an adverse reaction vaccines.This includes the allergic reactions, cardiac arrest, the hives, cardiovascular shock and sudden death.Any dog, get a vaccination should be provided to the homeopathic remedy THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30 c to avoid any vaccine side effects.

Neither the spaying or neutering cats should also be made at the same time as vaccinations. I know this is a common practice, but your dog immune system will be stressed from have a disease injected into the body.Again, always use homeopathic detoxification remedy THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30 c after a vaccination to prevent adverse reactions and wait 3 weeks prior to any surgery.

None of this is written to scare you, I just want you to be aware of so that you can make the best choice for your dog, of course, does not increase. spaying your dog her risk of mammary cancer. the point is, Select your dog food and medicines, with tanks, and enjoy life with your wonderful dog.

About the author:

Andrea Partee, after her dog from a "safe" over-the-counter medications promised that she and her three sick dogs to create a website named after them, to educate pet owners who love their dogs enough to learn the truth about what is good and bad to their four-legged companions near death. Dedicated real dog health, you can learn more on the Three Little

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Andrea Partee - EzineArticles Expert Author

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